Papua New Guinea - Medium/Dark
This bean from Papua New Guinea (PNG) stands out as a smooth, heavy-bodied cup of coffee to get you going in the morning. With tropical notes of banana and brown sugar, the cup is a delightful single origin from a region we often source coffee from in PNG. This coffee is sourced from farms organized around the Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative in the Chuave district in the Chimbu province.
Tasting Notes
Dark chocolate, Plum, Orange zest, Creamy
This bean from Papua New Guinea (PNG) stands out as a smooth, heavy-bodied cup of coffee to get you going in the morning. With tropical notes of banana and brown sugar, the cup is a delightful single origin from a region we often source coffee from in PNG. This coffee is sourced from farms organized around the Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative in the Chuave district in the Chimbu province.
Tasting Notes
Dark chocolate, Plum, Orange zest, Creamy
This bean from Papua New Guinea (PNG) stands out as a smooth, heavy-bodied cup of coffee to get you going in the morning. With tropical notes of banana and brown sugar, the cup is a delightful single origin from a region we often source coffee from in PNG. This coffee is sourced from farms organized around the Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative in the Chuave district in the Chimbu province.
Tasting Notes
Dark chocolate, Plum, Orange zest, Creamy
Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative (SOAC)
Bourbon, Typica
Chimbu Province
1350 masl
Volcanic loam
Washed and dried in the sun